All articles submitted to the editorial office of the collection of scientific works “Industrial Botany” are subject to mandatory one-sided anonymous (“blind”) reviewing.
Each new submission is reviewed by the Еditor-in-Сhief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief, as well as the Executive Secretary for fit with the journal scope, correct text formatting, illustrative material quality, presentation of the article (language, consistency and clarity), structure, completeness of all necessary elements, including abstracts in Russian and English. If the article does not follow the rules, it is returned to the author(s) for revision. After the author(s) corrects all these comments, the article is registered and sent for peer review.
Manuscripts undergo review by members of the editorial board and editorial council, as well as by external reviewers – leading experts in the relevant field. The decision on choosing a reviewer is taken by Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, or Scientific Editor. The review period is 3-4 weeks, but it can be extended at the request of the reviewer.
Based on the results of the article evaluation, the reviewer takes the reasonable decision on the rejection or acceptance of the manuscript. If there are any comments, the editorial board sends the article to the author(s) for revision. The time for revision of the article should not exceed two months from the date of receipt of the manuscript with the specified comments. If necessary, the revised article is forwarded to the reviewer.
If the authors refuse to revise the paper, they have to notify the Editorial Board about the refusal to publish. If the Editorial office will not receive the revised paper after three months from the date of sending the review, the article is removed from the register, and a written notification is sent to the author(s) about the withdrawal of the manuscript from registration.
If there are conflicts and contradictions between the reviewer and the author(s) of the article on the issue of publication, the final decision is taken by the Editor-in-Chief at a meeting of the editorial board. The article not recommended for publication according to the Editorial Board’s decision will not be reviewed again.
In case of a positive review and correction of the article in accordance with the reviewer’s comments, the manuscript is handled by the Scientific Editor. If necessary, the author(s) will have to make corrections indicated by the Scientific Editor, resubmitting the corrected article to the editorial office.
After the editorial board takes a decision to accept submission for publication, the editorial board informs the author(s) about it and the publication date.
A positive review is not a sufficient reason for publishing the article. The final decision on publication is taken by the Editorial Board.