An analysis of the results of floristic studies of natural and semi-natural habitats conducted from 2012 to 2023 in the cities of the southern half of Udmurtia – Votkinsk, Mozhga and Kambarka is given. The combined partial flora of natural and semi-natural habitats in the studied cities includes 819 plant species from 104 families, of which 114 species (14 %) are alien. Most of the identified species belong to the group of annual herbaceous plants, that is characteristic of alien fractions of floras. There are only 20 species which belong to tree and shrub life forms, all of them being ergasiophyphytes. When alien plants of natural habitats are distributed according to the degree of naturalization, a high proportion of epecophytes and agriophytes is observed.
E.N. Bralgina, O.G. Baranova