For the territory of the city of Tobolsk (Tyumen region), the growth of 15 macrophytes is registered known as alien species for the region. The article provides information about their distribution within the city and its environs, the nature of occupied ecotopes, and adventitious status. One species (Elodea canadensis Michx.) is classified as transformer, two ones (Impatiens glandulifera Royle, Phragmites altissimus Mabille) are classified as invasive plants; one species (Iris pseudacorus L.) is classified as escaped from cultivation plant. The rest are classified as alien species that have naturalized in anthropogenic habitats. Three species (Acorus calamus L., Caulinia minor Coss. et Germ., Zannichellia repens Boenn.) are listed in the Red Book of the Tyumen region, but the nature of their growth in the area under consideration does not allow them to be classified as native plants. We have made a proposal to remove them from the regional Red Book and consider them as naturalized alien species (epyocophytes).
O.A. Kapitonova