The collection of scientific papers «Industrial Botany» publishes original research papers and short communications on industrial botany, biodiversity study and conservation under the conditions of anthropogeogenesis, plant introduction and breeding, ecology, biologic invasions and plant protection. New paper and book reviews, anniversary dedications and information on meetings, conferences and symposia are also acceptable for publication by Editorial Board. Please submit manuscripts in Russian and English.
1. The authors should submit to the Editorial Board a paper copy, printed on A4 paper and signed by the authors (or scanned version), background information; expert opinion or recommendation of the institution where the research was conducted (postgraduate students should provide reviews of their supervisors). Send e-version of the paper via e-mail: E-versions including files with full text of the paper, tables, figures, abstracts and background information about the author(-s) are acceptable. Text and table files format should be MS Word 97 to later versions.
2. Papers (including tables, figures and references) should be no longer, than 20 printed pages (as far as the theoretical problematic and discussion papers are concerned), 12 pages (original factual papers) and 5 pages (other papers). Publication of the papers longer than that is to the Editorial Board’s consideration. Figures and tables in total should not exceed the text.
3. Manuscripts should be written in Word: font Times New Roman; size 14, line spacing – 1.0, indent – 1.25 cm, without hyphenation, fully justified; with 3 cm left margin and 2 cm right, upper, bottom ones, pages should not be numbered. Name the text file after transliterated surname of the first author (e.g. «Ivanov»).
4. Manuscripts should be structured into following sections (with the following paragraph section headings in bold): «Introduction», «Research Aim and Objectives», «Research Objects and Methods», «Results and Discussion», «Conclusions», and «Acknowledgements», if needed. In some cases, modifications of these sections are possible. In particular, floristic, problem and theoretical papers, short communications can be arranged as a whole.
5. Please, format the material in the following way:
- UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) – in the upper left corner (italics);
- the initials and surname(-s) of the author(-s) in bold (centered);
- title of the article in bold capital letters (centered);
- name of the research institution (size 12, italics, centered)
- an abstract in Russian (size 12)
- key words in lower case in Russian (size 12, no initial capital);
- text of the paper;
- references;
- the words «Received by the Editorial Board» (on the right);
- an abstract and key words in English. Russian and English abstracts should be identical.
6. Tables: those with a portrait layout please place after the text paragraph with the first mention; ones with a landscape layout place on the next page. Table title is justified. Do not fragment tables when transferring onto the next page and do not repeat headers. Besides, include tables as separate files, entitled «Ivanov_tab1», «Ivanov_tab2» etc. into your electronic version. Please, do not repeat the material presented in the tables in the text.
7. Figures should follow the text paragraph after the first mention. Include them also as separate full-size jpeg (jpg) files (named «Ivanov_fig1», «Ivanov_fig2», etc.). Images must be of a high quality. Full Word file size of the paper (including figures) should be no more than 10 MB.
Figure captions should include the name of the picture, the interpretation of all curves, letters, numbers and other symbols. Each figure caption please give in Russian and English. The figure is centered and two captions are justified (except for the small images where captions are to be placed in the text right to the image). Microphotograph captions should indicate magnification and staining or impregnation of the material.
8. References list on a separate page without a title in alphabetic order.
Citations throughout the text are in brackets.
References comply with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 «System of standards for information». Citation examples in Russian and English are given below.
- Баканова В.В. Цветочно-декоративные многолетники открытого грунта. Киев: Наукова думка, 1984. 155 с.
- Определитель растений Мещеры / под ред. В.Н. Тихомирова. М., 1986. Ч.1. 240 с.; 1987. Ч.2. 224 с.
- Соколов В.Е., Филонов К.П., Нахимовская Ю.Д., Шадрина Г.Д. Экология заповедных территорий / под ред. В.Е. Соколова, В.Н. Тихомирова. М.: Янус-К, 1997. 576 с.
- Международный кодекс ботанической номенклатуры (Токийский кодекс) / пер. с англ. СПб., 1996. 191 с.
- Cronquist A. The evolution and classification of flowering plants / 2nd ed. New York, 1988. 555 p.
- Князев М.С. Новый вид рода Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) // Бот. журн. 2000. Т. 85. N 9. С. 116–119.
- Inamdar I.A., Murtu G. S. Vein-endings of some Solanaceae // Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 1981. Vol. 90. N 1. P. 33–56.
Electronic journals:
- Андрюсенко В.В., Кузьменкова С.М., Носиловский О.А., Прохоров А.А. Итоги и перспективы формирования информационных систем по ботаническим коллекциям // Hortus bot. 2011. N 6. 5 с. URL: http: //
Conference proceedings:
- Пылаев И.Г., Тяк Г.В., Шутов В.В. Некоторые особенности развития парциального куста черники и голубики // Дикорастущие ягодные растения СССР. Тез. докл. на Всесоюз. совещ. «Изучение, заготовка и охрана лесных дикорастущих ягодников». Петрозаводск, 1980. С. 139–141.
Deposit research works:
- Ковтонюк Н.К., Иванов В.П. Изучение поверхности семян сибирских видов рода Juncus (Juncaceae). М., 1986. 24 с. Деп. в ВИНИТИ 18.12.86, N 786-В86.
Research reports:
- Прохоров А.А., Платонов Е.А. «Принципы и методы интеграции научной, образовательной и социальной деятельности Ботанического сада Петрозаводского государственного университета»: Отчет о НИР / Ботанический сад; Петрозаводский государственный университет. Петрозаводск, 2012. 76 с. N ГР 01200901607.
- Аветисян Е.М. Палинология надпорядка Campanulanae: автореф. дис. … д-ра биол. наук. Ереван, 1988. 34 с.
- The International Plant Names Index, 2012 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http:www/ (дата обращения 15.12.2011)
- The Plant List, 2010. Version 1 [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.
` 9. Latin names of taxa of generic and specific rank give in italics, names of cultivars (varieties) and authorities print in upright font. Include taxa authority at the first mention, and then name the taxon without authority. Please, give the plant taxa authorities according to «The International Plant Names Index» available from]. In critical taxonomic reviews, names are to author’s consideration to reflect his viewpoint. Cite full generic name at the first mention and the beginning of the sentence, then abridge it to the first letter. If necessary, give common names of taxa in the language of the paper, but with a reference also to their Latin names.
Use SI units throughout the text. To indicate a range of values, please use a dash (e.g. 5–12 cm, 60–80 %), use only quotes such as «guillemets», give the name of varieties in ‘turned commas’ (or without, if preceded by abbreviation cv. or the whole word «cultivar»). Please avoid abbreviated words and phrases in the text, tables or figures, except for conventional abbreviations, or define abbreviations at the first mention (e.g. National Nature Park (NNP), and further on throughout the text – NNP), if necessary.
10. Abstracts should not exceed 100 words. An abstract in Russian should be given at the beginning of the paper, in English – follow the text body, and also be duplicated and attached as a separate file (named respectively «Ivanov_ref»).
11. When reporting taxa of specific and intraspecific rank and floristic findings, you must specify the academic institution’s Herbarium storing their type and data samples, and provide reference information from that institution for the Editorial Board. If the finding took place in Donbass, samples (or their duplicates) please forward to the Donetsk Botanical Garden’s Herbarium (DNZ).
12. Background information on the author(-s) (submitted to the Editorial Board as separate page and file named e.g. Ivanov_info») typically include: surname, full name (in Russian and English), position, scientific degree, title, affiliation; mail address, zip code, contact phone numbers of the author(s), e-mail.
13. Editorial Board has the right to introduce editorial changes to the title and text of the paper. Manuscripts not complying with Guidelines will not be accepted and registered.
14. All accepted manuscripts are the subject to revision, editing or sending back to authors for revision, and then approval for publication or rejection.
15. When the paper is returned to the author(-s) for revision, they are expected to consider all the reviewer’s comments and to send to the Editorial Board before the deadline:
- author’s reply to a review (a clear statement of whether the comments were taken into consideration. If no, this should outline his (their) point of view);
- revised manuscript with corrections in printed (or scanned) and electronic form, that should be identical.
16. The authors are responsible for the content of their submissions.
17. Papers not accepted for publication are not returned to the authors.