The reproductive characteristics and invasive potential of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco and its forms in the Volgograd region have been objects to our research. Our study has shown that, in terms of its ability to spread spontaneously, P. menziesii belongs to the species that spread vegetatively or by self-seeding alone, and therefore cannot be considered an invasive species. Representatives of the genus Pseudotsuga Carr. are used in forest reclamation to fix and afforestate sands and washouts and in greenery plantings in the Lower Volga region, but have not become widespread as forest-forming species. The use of P. menziesii and its forms in protective afforestation and landscaping as fast-growing, highly decorative, long-lived trees can be aimed at solving the urgent problem of forest reclamation in degraded areas.
D.V. Sapronova