An inventory and analysis of the alien element of the flora of the arid basins of Kabardino-Balkaria (Central Caucasus) was conducted for the first time. 67 species from 50 genera and 20 families were identified. The largest number of alien species was recorded in the families Asteraceae (22 %), Chenopodiaceae (16.3 %), Brassicaceae (14.9 %), Poaceae (7.4 %) and Caryophyllaceae (6 %), which account for about 70 % of the total number of species. Therophytes are absolutely predominant among life forms (78 %). Using the example of the aggressive invasive transforming species Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., the scale of its distribution in the republic was traced.
S.H. Shkhagapsoev, A.H. Thagalegov, I.E. Shono