We studied populations of the invasive species Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl. in different parts of the secondary distribution range. Molecular genetic analysis of 64 specimens showed that intrapopulation and interpopulation variability was observed in the secondary distribution range of lupin, but it could not be called very high. Based on nucleotide sequences of the high-variable non-coding intergenic spacer of chloroplast DNA rpl32-tmL, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the maximum likehood (ML) method, in which two specimens from the Kaluga region were separated into a particular clade (closest to the outgroup of L. albus L.); the other individuals were divided into two subclades, one of which included most specimens from the Kaluga and Leningrad regions, the other- mainly specimens from the Moscow region. The highest projective coverage of L. polyphyllus is observed in phytocenoses of the central part of the middle zone under mild climate conditions. The data obtained indicate the presence of microevolutionary processes within L. polyphyllus populations and suggest that the range of the area may change taking into account climatic changes.
M.A. Galkina, N.V. Vasilyeva, V.N. Zelenkova, N.M. Reshetnikova, A.V. Stogova, M.A. Zueva, A.K. Mamontov, A.A. Prokhorov