The influence of Sosnowsky’s hogweed (Heracleum sosnowskyi Manden.) on the parameters of soil biological activity was studied in comparison with other types of plant communities (grass-forb meadow, small-leaved young growth) forming postagrogenic ecosystems in the middle taiga subzone of the Komi Republic. It is shown that H. sosnowskyi, when introduced into fallow lands, forms unique speciespoor plant communities preserved and self-sustainable for a long time. The soil biological activity in postagrogenic ecosystems is primarily influenced by the type of plant community (qualitative composition of plants) and the characteristics of the physic and chemical soil characteristics. Invasion of H. sosnowskyi into postagrogenic ecosystems of the middle taiga contributes to the activation of the vital activity of microbial communities, which is reflected in an increase in the value of microbial biomass compared to fallow lands occupied by grass-forb meadows and tree communities.
Yu.A. Smotrina, E.M. Lapteva, I.V. Dalke, I.G. Zakhozhy, E.A. Skrebenkov